Gene Tempest

BOSTON GLOBE. Sunflowers sans pollen. July 4. here
BOSTON GLOBE. Dandelion comes to lunch. November 1. here
BOSTON GLOBE. The Fenway victory gardeners and the pandemic. May 28. here
BOSTON GLOBE. Real estate trying to adapt to a new reality. April 1. here
BOSTON GLOBE. America’s love affair with heirloom fruit & veg. March 12. here
BOSTON GLOBE. How a kid from East Boston became the cactus king. Dec. 18. here
BOSTON GLOBE. Drive a piece of Soviet automotive history. November 16. here
BOSTON GLOBE. 30 years of Russian influence--on our tomatoes. September 11. here
BOSTON GLOBE. The sugar snap pea turns 50. July 24. here
BOSTON GLOBE. We tested our soil the old-fashioned way--we ate it. July 7. here
NEW YORK TIMES. The tyranny of tiny living. June 4. here

Histoire de la guerre
A new history of warfare from the 19th century to today. Published by the Éditions du Seuil (Paris, 2018). Edited by Bruno Cabanes with Thomas Dodman, Hervé Mazurel, and Gene Tempest.
Recognized as one of the 25 best books of 2018 by French magazine Le Point. Read more about A History of War in French or in English. German edition released 2020.
Translations coming soon into Chinese, Korean, Italian. ︎ French edition ︎ German edition
240 mins. PBS. SEPTEMBER 2021episode one: writer
Parables for today from the original creator of new
journalism... Battle royale for the soul of
our news. Directed by Stephen Ives and Amanda Pollak.
Produced by Amanda Pollak and Gene Tempest.
“superb and hugely entertaining” - Newsday
“thoroughly engaging” - SF Chronicle
“superb and hugely entertaining” - Newsday
“thoroughly engaging” - SF Chronicle
American Veteran
240 mins. PBS. NOVEMBER 2021co-written with Stephen Ives
A four-part series animated by the powerful testimony of
veterans from our wars. Witness the stories of men and women from every military branch. A timely, intimate
investigation of our changing military. Directed by Leah Williams and Stephen Ives.
The Great War
360 mins. PBS. APRIL 2017co-producer
The 6-hour television event that marked the
100th anniversary of our entry into WWI. A long forgotten lesson in
American power, hope, and hubris. Directed by Stephen Ives, Amanda Pollak, and Rob Rapley.
“detailed and entertaining” - New York Times
“enormously absorbing” - Wall Street Journal
“sprawling and engrossing” - TV Guide
“detailed and entertaining” - New York Times
“enormously absorbing” - Wall Street Journal
“sprawling and engrossing” - TV Guide

HISTORIA. Le rat. mars-avril. ici
HISTORIA. La mouche. mars-avril. ici
HISTORIA. L’araignée. mars-avril. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Au temps des centaurs. janvier.
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec John Dower. juin.
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Anne Applebaum. avril.
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Tim Snyder. avril.
L’HISTOIRE. L’âne qui sauva des vies. janvier.
L’HISTOIRE. Lynn Hunt, la passion de la Révolution. juin. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Richard Overy. mai.
L’HISTOIRE. Lou Roberts et la ‘Greatest Generation.’ avril. ici
L’HISTOIRE. La terre blessée. octobre. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Fredrik Logevall. mai.
L’HISTOIRE. Aux chevauz morts pour la France. décembre. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Spielberg à cheval. février. ici
HISTORIA. Le rat. mars-avril. ici
HISTORIA. La mouche. mars-avril. ici
HISTORIA. L’araignée. mars-avril. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Au temps des centaurs. janvier.
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec John Dower. juin.
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Anne Applebaum. avril.
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Tim Snyder. avril.
L’HISTOIRE. L’âne qui sauva des vies. janvier.
L’HISTOIRE. Lynn Hunt, la passion de la Révolution. juin. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Richard Overy. mai.
L’HISTOIRE. Lou Roberts et la ‘Greatest Generation.’ avril. ici
L’HISTOIRE. La terre blessée. octobre. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Entretien avec Fredrik Logevall. mai.
L’HISTOIRE. Aux chevauz morts pour la France. décembre. ici
L’HISTOIRE. Spielberg à cheval. février. ici

get in touch
︎ gene [dot] tempest [at] gmail [dot] com
Gene Tempest is an American filmmaker and historian based in
Cambridge, Mass. Her writing has appeared in The Boston Globe and The New York Times. A coeditor of Une histoire de la guerre (A History of War) and a former contributor to the French magazine L’Histoire,
Gene is a screenwriter on the PBS documentaries American Veteran and Hearst, as well as the coproducer of the PBS miniseries The Great
Born in Plano, Tex., Gene grew up in India, France, and China. She received her BA from the University of California at Berkeley, and her PhD from Yale University, where she won the Hans Gatzke Prize. She has taught at SUNY Cortland and Boston University, and from 2016-2017 served as the first ever Historian in Residence for American Experience at WGBH-Boston.
Born in Plano, Tex., Gene grew up in India, France, and China. She received her BA from the University of California at Berkeley, and her PhD from Yale University, where she won the Hans Gatzke Prize. She has taught at SUNY Cortland and Boston University, and from 2016-2017 served as the first ever Historian in Residence for American Experience at WGBH-Boston.